Thursday, February 16, 2012

Three Easy Steps To Protect Your Server

The server is a vital component of computer networks in most small businesses and organizations. Servers not only process requests for data from the other computers connected to the network, they also host valuable, sensitive information. For this reason, servers are often the target of attacks by hackers, viruses, worms, and other threats. However, there are a few very important steps you can take to help you protect your server that are also quite easy to implement.

Back Up Data

Since your server stores large amounts of information, backing it up is one of the most important steps you can take to protect important data. By backing up this data to a secure, remote location, you will have protection in the event of physical damage to your equipment. There are several different methods you can use to back up your servers including using internet back up programs, external hard drives, and even CDs and thumb drives. However, backing up all your data on CDs or thumb drives can be quite time consuming and inconvenient. External hard drives or online services are perhaps the best methods you can choose.

Keep It Clean

In addition to backing up your data, keeping your server clean is another way to help protect it against damage and data loss. You should always keep your server in a clean, air-conditioned room. Also, make sure dust does not gather on internal components, as this can cause the machine to run inefficiently or even burn out. For the best results, dust the outside of your server regularly, and spray the inside with a can of compressed air once a week to help eliminate dust accumulation.

Install Anti-Virus Software

Because they are connected to a network and other computers, servers are susceptible to the same viruses as other machines. To protect against breaches in security, damage to the server, and possible losses of data, install a premium anti-virus program on your server. In addition to using anti-virus software, remember to use caution when downloading files from the internet. Only download from secure, trusted websites and sources, and always scan files using your anti-virus program before opening. Avoid unsafe websites, and do not open email attachments from unknown sources.

Servers are necessary in the operation of computer networks, and they often store sensitive data that businesses, organizations, or individuals cannot afford to lose. It is important to keep your server running smoothly and securely at all times. By using a combination of precautionary measures such as backing up files, keeping the machine clean, and keeping anti-virus software definitions up-to-date, you can protect your server before anything goes wrong. Remember, it is much easier to prevent problems than it is to correct them after they have occurred.

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